Introduction to Generative AI
This bootcamp is no longer available. But you can join the platform today and get all the content. This hands-on Generative AI bootcamp is designed for beginners. Taking you from zero to hero in Large Language Models (LLMs) through engaging interactive lessons and real-world projects. Master essential skills like prompt engineering, work with cutting-edge tools like Azure and OpenAI, and learn to build your own AI applications. By the end, you'll be equipped to harness this revolutionary technology while understanding its real-world implications.

This bootcamp has already completed and is no longer available. You can still get all the content if you join the platform
Learn from top university instructors
The curated content for the bootcamp is based on the same material we use at top universities like Duke University, Northwestern, and UC Davis.
Practical and hands on
The material and content goes beyond the basic theory and is meant for you to practice, enhancing your learning.
Get access to high-quality, curated content
All exercises, readings, examples, and video content is of extremely high quality and you will get access to all of it in this bootcamp.
Join half a million learners
We've specialized in teaching based on our vast experience in tech. Be part of half a million learners who have used our courses!
This bootcamp is packed with useful content, curated from our experience working with top-tier universities.
Week 1
Introduction to Generative AI
- Understand the basics of Generative AI and LLMS
- Overview of how models work
- Compare and understand differences in LLM models
Week 2
Interacting with models
- Basic prompting and prompt engineering
- Advanced prompting techniques to interact with LLMs
- Understand limitations of LLMs
Week 3
Data Structures in Rust
- Working with structs and creating instances
- String manipulation and vector operations
- Understanding and using enums
Week 4
Generative AI applications
- Explore types of generative AI applications
- Fundamentals of robust applications like Retrieval Augmented Generation
- Use API-based applications for LLMs
Week 5
Local LLMs
- Understand how to run local LLMs
- Basic setups required for local LLMs
- Interact with local models and build applications
Custom training for your company
We are ready to deliver this and other training to your group. We can usually accommodate different requirements and are flexible with the number of seats. Reach out to us at
- Bulk pricing available
- Customizable content
- Ready to start on your schedule
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